On Tuesday it rained even more than the day before, so I didn't see any butterflies, except late in the afternoon when it cleared up a bit I did see a Monarch and a few skippers. And I took more pictures of the mystery caterpillars. They are a little more than 2 cm long now. Will post pictures when I get them. Took a few pictures of the Spicebush caterpillars too.

On Wed. the weather was nice and I saw quite a few butterflies around. Mostly lots of little skippers. But I also saw a Great Spangled Fritillary! It was the first I've seen around here! I took some pictures - I hope they turn out ok.
A Red Admiral visited too. And I saw what may have been an Olive Hairstreak.
Today, Thursday, I had a headache and wasn't out as much as I could have been. The Red Admiral was back, lots of skippers and Painted Ladies.
The mystery caterpillars are doing fine. I think they are getting ready to molt again. I think they are Giants.
Pictures are slow with getting developed because of the holiday this week. More should be back tomorrow.