![]() Brush Footed Butterflies - Family Nymphalidae |
Subfamily Danainae - Milkweed ButterfliesQueen - Danaus gilippus Subfamily NymphalinaeTrue Brushfoots - Tribe NymphaliniRed-Spotted Purple - Limenitis arthemis Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta American Lady - Vanessa virginiensis Question Mark - Polygonia interrogationis Dark Gray Comma - Polygonia progne Fire Rim Tortoise Shell - Nymphalis milberti Western Tortoise Shell - Nymphalis californica Comma Tortoise Shell - Nymphalis vau-album Mourning Cloak - Nymphalis antiopa Checkerspots and Crescents - Tribe MelitaeiniBaltimore - Euphydryas phaeton Gorgone Checkerspot - Chlosyne gorgone Streamside Checkerspot - Chlosyne nycteis Pearl Crescent - Phyciodes tharos Mat Plant Crescent - Phyciodes phaon Texas Crescent - Phyciodes texana Fritillaries - Tribe ArgynniniMeadow Fritillary - Boloria bellona Great Spangled Fritillary - Speyeria cybele Regal Fritillary - Speyeria idalia Variegated Fritillary - Euptoieta claudia Longwings - Tribe HeliconiiniGulf Fritillary - Dione vanillae Zebra Long Wing - Heliconius charitonia Subfamily Apaturinae - EmperorsHackberry Butterfly - Asterocampa celtis Tawny Emperor - Asterocampa clyton Subfamily Satyrinae - SatyrsCreole Pearly Eye - Lethe creola Southern Pearly Eye - Lethe portlandia Northern Pearly Eye - Lethe anthedon Woods Eyed Brown - Lethe appalachia Jeweled Satyr - Cyllopsis gemma Little Wood Satyr - Megisto cymela Wood Nymph - Cersyonis pegala Subfamily Charaxinae - Goatweed ButterfliesGoatweed Butterflye - Anaea andria
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