False Nettle - Boehmeria cylindrica

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Small/young False Nettle plant.

False Nettle grows to about 1.5 to 3 feet high (45-90cm). Its flowers are small and green. It blooms from July to October. It does not have stinging hairs like many other members of the nettle family. It is native to many parts of the US and Canada. Its range is as far south as Florida, west to Texas, north to S. Dakota in the US, and from Ontario east to New Brunswick. Its native habitat is moist or shady ground.

False Nettle is a host plant for the Question Mark, Comma, Red Admiral

Question Marks, Commas and Red Admirals all use False Nettle (as well as Stinging Nettle) and some other plants as hosts.

Where to buy False Nettle

(Coming Soon!)

The Nettle family

There are about 45 genera of nettle around the world, with over 1000 species. Most have stinging hairs and insignificant flowers. In the state of Missouri there are 5 genera - Boehmeria, Laportea, Parietaria, Pilea, Urtica and seven species.

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