Hop Tree/Wafer Ash - Ptelea trifoliata

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Hop Tree/Wafer Ash.

Hop Trees are really shrubs or small trees of the citrus family. Their range includes much of the eastern US, all well as some locations around Arizona. In the past it was sometimes used as a substitute for hops when brewing beer.

Hop Tree is a Host Plant for Giant Swallowtails and Tiger Swallowtails

Giant Swallowtails use plants of the citrus family as a host, including Hop Trees. Tiger Swallowtails use many different plants, mostly trees such as Tuliptrees and Sweet Bay Magnolias, as a host plants, but they also use Hop Trees.

Where to buy a Hop Tree

(Coming soon!)

How to Propagate Hop Trees

Seeds can be collected in the late fall and planted. They are fairly easy to germinate.

The Citrus/Rutaceae Family

There are about 12 native species of the Citrus Family (Rutaceae) in N. America. Most members of the family are shrubs and trees and rarely herbs. Rue (Ruta graveolens) is one example of a Citrus family herb.

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