Wild Senna - Senna marylandica

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A wild senna plant.

Wild Senna grows to a height of 3-6 feet. It flowers from July to August and is a perennial.

Senna is a Host Plant for

Senna is used as a host plant by various butterflies of the sulfur family including:
Orange/Common Sulfur,
Cloudless Sulfur and
Little Sulfur

Where to buy Senna

Local native plant nurseries.

How to Propagate Senna

Large seed pods form on Senna in the fall. These can be collected and the seeds from planted. Seeds should be cold treated by either planting outside in the fall or keeping in the freezer for a few weeks before planting in the spring.

The Pea/Fabaceae Family

Wild Senna is member of the Fabaceae Family. This is a large family consisting of 640 genera and 17,000 species. Members of this family include peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, alfalfa and many clover species.

Wild Senna seed pods; brown ones are ready to harvest for seeds.

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