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Cherry Profusion Zinnia.

Zinnias are great nectar sources for butterflies! Although they are not native and will only grow as annuals in all or most of North America they are still a good nectar choice.

Zinnia species include Zinnia angustifolia, elegans, grandiflora, haageana.

Some shorter ones are the profusion series, Cherry, Orange and White Profusion, sold in many nurseries. Taller varieties tend to attract bigger butterflies.

Where to buy Zinnias

There are many, many different varieties of Zinnias available to choose from. Seed catalogs like Burpee and many others sell zinnias of many different colors, shapes and sizes.

Zinnias are pretty easy to grow from seeds, but many nurseries also have plants you can buy if you don't want to mess with seeds.

The Aster Family

Zinnias are a member of the Aster Family. These are herbs, shrubs, vines or sometimes even trees. There are 20,000 different species in the Aster family, made up from 1100 genera. Well known members of this family include Sunflowers, Zinnias, safflower and many kinds of lettuce.

Taller Zinnias:

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