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Butterflies and Moths of North America - This web site is maintained by the Big Sky Institute at Montana State University and the NBII Mountain Prairie Information Node. It is essential for butterfly gardeners. My recommendation, especially if you are new to butterflies, is to go to this site and navigate through the Map Search section to your state and/or county. There it lists every butterfly that could be found in your area. Then come back to my site for more information about the butterflies in your area that I include on my site.

Garden Web's butterfly gardening section. The regulars who hang out there are very nice and knowledgeable about butterfly gardening and can answer most questions you might have.

ODP - Butterfly Gardening Section - This ODP page lists many butterfly gardening web sites. Some of the sites included are specific to a particular region.

The Missouri Botanical Garden's web site's Kemper Center for Home Gardening section has lots of useful information about gardening. The Missouri Botanical Garden is one of the largest botanical gardens and international research centers in the world.

European visitors:

If you are interested in European and North African butterflies the site Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa has lots of great information.

Butterfly Gardeners in the UK should visit Nicky's Nursery - they sell many plants that attract butterflies, including host plants.

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