Butterflies in the Virgin Islands! (Part 4)
While were visiting The Butterfly Farm at St. Thomas Carmen also showed us a passion vine they had growing there:
In general, passion vine is used as a host plant in the Virgin Islands by the Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) and the Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charitonius). I don’t know which particular species this passion vine is or if they both use it or not.
I found a few small caterpillars on it – maybe someone can tell which butterfly species it is? Or maybe its still too small to tell yet:
I believe Carmen said this was another species of passion vine:
Here is a close up of one of the leaves:
At any rate I found a few eggs on it:
I think this plant was also a host plant:
This was a picture I took of a skipper caterpillar – its way out of focus, but someone may be able to identify it – I think it may have been on the plant pictured above:
Here is an egg, which I believe was also on the same plant:
Next week – other wildlife from The Butterfly Farm!
on March 8th, 2009 at 4:12 pm
Hey! It’s my favorite caterpillar… the Gulf fritillary! Another example of a caterpillar that might look different from the ones back in the actual states
They have a lot of red to them there (from what I have seen in pictures). Here in the Caribbean they are mainly black.
The second plant is a canna, host to skippers (not sure what species).
Keep up the good work!